Saturday, November 17, 2012

Who Shall Light the Fire?

I'm sitting here listening to Nickel Creek croon "why should the fire die? My mom and dad kept theirs alive" and wondering if Americans today are letting the fire die. Are we chasing light out of our society, seeking bad instead? Are we losing the “old fashioned” values of our parents generation (or grandparents)? I say yes. And it is up to astute citizens to fix the situation.

If Romney had been elected he probably would have carried the torch towards moral light and goodness, but the fact is that we don’t have a leader to bear that burden. Due to his lacking character and extreme liberalism, Obama will not add much light to the moral fire in this country. The responsibility is ours even more than before the election, especially in light of the issues that came about during the presidential election. Several states legalized recreational marijuana and gay marriage. The fire died and states voted yes for these things. These, and like issues, are the real problems at hand. Obama will be checked by the House and the Senate, but who will check the fire of moral right in our own home towns? Let us take that energy with which we passionately supported Romney and direct it towards protecting our families at home. We will be lighting the base of a fire that will spread. Perhaps it will ignite the whole country and affect the outcome of the next presidential election.

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